BOSH를 알아보면.. 그 종류? 구성 방법에 대한 이야기가 많습니다.

크게 2가지 bosh에 대한 내용이 주를 이루는데요.. 먼저 bosh-lite와 micro-bosh


1) bosh-lite

bosh lightweight 버전으로 IaaS VM 환경없이 로컬의 vagrant 환경에서 system deploy 할 수 있다 Warden Cloud Provider Interface (CPI) 사용하며 Container 방식으로 Cloud Foundry Component를 VM 내부에 배포하게 됩니다.

개발 용도의 버전이죠...


2) micro-bosh

single vm으로 구성된 bosh Cloud Foundy deploy하거나 IaaS상에 소프트웨어를 deploy 있습니다.

주로 micro-bosh를 통해 CloudFoundry를 배포하죠..

bosh-lite를 통해 CF 배포에 대해 다루도록 하겠습니다.

환경 : Ubuntu 12.04.5 LTS (GNU/Linux 3.2.0-90-generic x86_64)


1. Install Git

$ apt-get install git


2. Install VirtualBox

$ echo "deb precise contrib" >> /etc/apt/sources.list

or create a new .list file as described in this thread.

$ wget -q -O- | sudo apt-key add -

$ sudo apt-get update

$ sudo apt-get install virtualbox-4.3

$ sudo apt-get install dkms

$ VBoxManage --version



3. Install Vagrant (the known version to work with bosh-lite is 1.6.3 - link)

$ wget

$ sudo dpkg -i vagrant_1.6.3_x86_64.deb

$ vagrant --version

Vagrant 1.6.3


4. Check if vagrant is correctly working with the installed virtual box(테스트 이므로 UP 후 삭제)

$ vagrant init hashicorp/precise32

$ vagrant up


5. Install Ruby(using RVM) + RubyGems + Bundler(ruby 업데이트 및 버전관리를 위한 rvm 설치)

5.1. Install rvm

$ curl -sSL | gpg --import -

$ curl -sSL | bash -s stable

$ source /etc/profile.d/

$ rvm --version

5.2. Install latest ruby version

$ rvm install 1.9.3-p551

$ rvm use ruby --default 2.1.7

$ ruby -v

ruby 1.9.3p551 (2014-11-13 revision 48407) [x86_64-linux]



6. Install Bosh CLI (check the prerequisites for the target OS here) : bosh_cli 설치

- Note that Bosh CLI is not suppored on windows - github issue

$ sudo apt-get install build-essential libxml2-dev libsqlite3-dev libxslt1-dev libpq-dev libmysqlclient-dev

$ gem install bosh_cli



7. Install Bosh-Lite

$ git clone

$ cd bosh-lite

$ vagrant up --provider=virtualbox


8. bosh target lite

Target set to `Bosh Lite Director'

Your username: admin

Enter password: admin

Logged in as `admin'


9. Setup a route between the laptop and the VMs running inside Bosh Lite

$ cd bosh-lite

$ ./bin/add-route( 수정)


10. upload stemcell

Stemcell 이미지 다운로드

bosh upload stemcell bosh-stemcell-2776-warden-boshlite-centos-go_agent.tgz


Getting the template (“stemcell”) we use to deploy Cloud Foundry

# wget

Uploading the stemcell to BOSH

# bosh upload stemcell latest-bosh-stemcell-warden.tgz

# bosh stemcells



11. OK, ready to install Cloud Foundry:

# git clone


Go into the cf-release directory and  update the cf-release using ./update command

12. Use the update helper script to update the cf-release submodules

# cd cf-release

# ./update


13 spiff 설치(gvm 을 이용한 go 언어 설치 후 spiff 설치하거나, 방법은 여러가지임)

# git spiff : #installation

# cp spiff /usr/bin/


Spiff : To create a valid deployment file for the full deployment of CloudFoundry it is necessary to use Spiff. Spiff is a “A declarative YAML templating system tuned for BOSH deployment manifests.”

spiff is a command line tool and declarative YAML templating system, specially designed for generating BOSH deployment manifests.

14. create deployment manifest stub


# bosh status --uuid : bosh target uuid 확인

# vi cf-stub.yml


director_uuid: DIRECTOR-UUID

generate_deployment_manifest INFRASTRUCTURE MANIFEST-STUB > cf-deployment.yml

# ./generate_deployment_manifest warden cf-stub.yml > cf-deployment.yml

cf-deployment.yml 생성


generate_deployment_manifest : script template directory yml 파일 spiff


# bosh target : bosh target 서버 재확인


Use bosh deployment MANIFEST-NAME to set your deployment to the generated manifest. Replace MANIFEST-NAME with the name of your deployment manifest

# bosh deployment cf-deployment.yml


Run bosh create release to create a Cloud Foundry release. This command prompts you for a development release name.

# bosh create release


Run bosh create release to create a Cloud Foundry release.

# bosh upload release


uploaded Cloud Foundry release.

# bosh deploy



Deploy 완료 이후 테스트

# If not using AWS, but behind a proxy, make sure to run 'export no_proxy=,'

$ cf api --skip-ssl-validation

$ cf auth admin admin

$ cf create-org test-org

$ cf target -o test-org

$ cf create-space test-space

$ cf target -s test-space


Go language 설치

# bash < <(curl -s -S -L

# gvm version

# gvm listall

# gvm install go1.4

'CloudFoundry' 카테고리의 다른 글

[bosh] job lifecycle  (0) 2016.06.02
[bosh] release, job  (0) 2016.06.02
[CloudFoundry] cf push process(application 배포)  (0) 2016.04.20
CloudFoundry user-provide-service setting  (0) 2016.04.20
CPI(Cloud Provider Interface) / bosh  (0) 2016.04.08
Posted by 뭉탁거림