Vagrant는 Vagrantfile 이용해서 Config

0. mkdir vagrant : 작업 폴더 생성

# vagrant box add NAME URL

vagrant box add centos64

# vagrant init BOX_NAME

vagrant init centos64

1. vagrant init : Vagrantfile 을 만든다.

This will place a Vagrantfile in your current directory.


virtual machine 의 Base Image 이다. 여러 프로젝트에서 box 를 공유해서 사용할수 있다

Vagrantfile 설정

vagrant up

vagrant reload --provision

2. vagrant box add chef/centos-6.5 

Added boxes can be re-used by multiple projects. Each project uses a box as an initial image to clone from, and never modifies the actual base image This means that if you have two projects both using the hashicorp/precise32 box we just added, adding files in one guest machine will have no effect on the other machine.

3. Vagrantfile 수정

Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| = "hashicorp/precise32"


4. vagrant up

In less than a minute, this command will finish and you'll have a virtual machine running 

vagrant destroy : up 에 적용됬던 내용들을 모두 지운다. box 를 지우는건 아니다.

set PATH=%PATH%;C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\bin\

5. vagrant ssh 

Vagrantfile 설정

vagrant up

vagrant reload --provision

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[chef] chef 참고자료  (0) 2014.04.28
Posted by 뭉탁거림